The autocomplete menu shows products, collections, articles, and search suggestions from your Shopify store, and updates the results as users type.

You can customize the autocomplete menu by creating a custom plugin. This helps in these cases:

  • In addition to showing all matching products or articles, you want to show a subset of data differently. For example, you want to show all on-sale products in a separate list, or only show help articles.

  • You want to search into data from sources other than Algolia in your autocomplete menu.

You can add a custom plugin using the beforeAutocompleteOptions hook.

Example of sale items

This example shows how to display on-sale products in a separate list (in addition to all other results).

You can achieve this by creating a source that searches into your product index, and applies a filter to only include items where the named_tags.onSale attribute is true.

document.addEventListener("algolia.hooks.initialize", function () {
  // Add the custom plugin to the Autocomplete.
    function (options) {
      const { searchClient } = window.algoliaShopify;
      const { getAlgoliaResults } = window.algoliaShopify.externals;

      const saleItemsPlugin = {
        name: "custom-sale-items-plugin",
        getSources({ query }) {
          return [
              sourceId: "saleItems",
              getItems() {
                return getAlgoliaResults({
                  queries: [
                      indexName: "shopify_products",
                      params: {
                        filters: "named_tags.onSale:true",
              templates: {
                header({ html, state }) {
                  return html` <div class="aa-SourceHeader">
                    <span class="aa-SourceHeaderTitle">Sale Items</span>
                    <div class="aa-SourceHeaderLine" />
                item({ item, components, html }) {
                  return html`${item.title}`;

      return options;

  // Add the output of the custom plugin to the autocomplate layout.
    function (_defaultTemplate, templateOptions, elements, displaySuggestions) {
      const { html } = templateOptions;

      // Add the custom plugin output to the Autocomplete template by referencing
      // the custom plugin sourceId - `saleItems`.
      return html`
        <div class="aa-PanelLayout aa-Panel--scrollable">
          <div class="aa-PanelSections">
            <div class="aa-PanelSection--left">
              ${displaySuggestions &&
                <div class="aa-SourceHeader">
                  <span class="aa-SourceHeaderTitle"
                  <div class="aa-SourceHeaderLine" />
              ${elements.collections} ${elements.articles} ${elements.pages}
            <div class="aa-PanelSection--right">
              ${elements.saleItems} ${elements.products}