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What’s new in the docs

The next generation of the Algolia Crawler

It’s now even easier to verify your domain and configure your crawler Four new methods have been added and the process has been simplified for first-time users with a no-code visual interface for common configurations. The Crawler update also includes improved data ingestion for popular JSON-LD formats like article and product schemas.

For more information, check out the Crawler documentation

Carousel layout for Recommend widgets in InstantSearch

InstantSearch.js and React InstantSearch now provide a carousel layout to use with any of the Recommend widgets.

For more information, check out the Recommend widget API reference.

New major versions of all Algolia API clients

All Algolia API clients have new major releases. The API references have been updated to show code snippets in the new versions.

For more information, see API client, or check the new API reference, for example, for the Search API.

Data transformations for connectors available as beta

You can now test performing transformations on your source data before storing it in the destination.

For more information, see Transformations

ElasticSearch and MySQL connectors released

Algolia’s no-code connector platform now has connectors for your Elasticsearch instances and MySQL databases. Index your data and schedule regular updates without writing custom code.

For more information, see Elasticsearch connector or MySQL connector.
