Start your trial using Mintlify by adding your name to this page. Just follow the steps below to become an official contributor!

Adding your name to the list

Add you name to the contributor list using the following steps:

  1. Use the internal guide to prepare to make local documentation edits.
  2. In the mintlify-trial directory, use git to create a new local branch that includes your name:
git switch --create "YOURNAME-contributor"
  1. Open the mintlify-trial directory in your IDE (like VS Code)
    or open the file mintlify-trial/trial/contributors.mdx in a text editor
  2. Add your name to the list of contributors and save your changes.
  3. Validate your changes locally with the command npm run dev executed from the mintlify-trial directory.
  4. Commit your changes locally:
git add .
git commit -m "Added YOURNAME to the list of contributors"
  1. Push your branch up to the mintlify-trial repo
git push -u origin "YOURNAME-contributor"
  1. Use the URL provided by git to create a pull request. For example:
  2. The PR will validate your files and build a preview where you can see your changes.
  3. Add chuckmeyer, kai687, or gazconroyas a reviewer for your new PR!


  • Chuck Meyer
  • Abhijit Mehta