Custom ranking in Algolia allows you to tailor the order in which search results are displayed based on specific attributes or criteria relevant to your application’s needs. By defining custom ranking rules, you can prioritize search results according to factors such as popularity, relevance, freshness, or any other business-specific metrics. This powerful feature ensures that the most important and relevant items are prominently featured in search results, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. Whether you’re optimizing product listings, articles, or any other content, custom ranking empowers you to fine-tune the search experience to align with your unique priorities and objectives

On the Launchpad, you can add custom ranking attributes to ensure your records are returned in the order that meets your needs. In the sample movie dataset example, we may want to order movies by popularity, box_office_sales or release_date. With the Launchpad, you can experiment with the relevancy settings you’d like to set to ensure the results are ordered to meet your needs.

While custom ranking and sorting are principally important to get started with Algolia, we offer a myriad of other options to improve your relevancy. To learn more, check out our Relevancy Overview for a deep dive.