The components for displaying recommendations are part of React InstantSearch, starting with version 7.9.0. The Algolia JavaScript API client supports the Recommend API starting with version 4.23.2. With this, you can integrate recommendations seamlessly into your React InstantSearch app, without having to install additional packages.


Add the react-instantsearch and algoliasearch packages to your project, and remove the @algolia/recommend and @algolia/recommend-js packages:

yarn add algoliasearch react-instantsearch
yarn remove @algolia/recommend-react @algolia/recommend
# or
npm install algoliasearch react-instantsearch
npm uninstall @algolia/recommend-react @algolia/recommend


Import the Recommend components from React InstantSearch:

- import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';

Some imports are no longer available:

  • The <TrendingFacets> component
  • The useTrendingFacets() Hook
  • The useRecommendations() Hook
  • The <Recommend> context provider

For more information, see Components and Hooks.


Recommend widget must be children of the instantsearch component. Pass the API client and index name to the InstantSearch` component:

- import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { InstantSearch, FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';
- import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

- const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

  function App() {
    return (
+     <InstantSearch
+       searchClient={searchClient}
+       indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+     >
-         recommendClient={recommendClient}
-         indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+     </InstantSearch>


Recommend ReactReact InstantSearchChanges
<FrequentlyBoughtTogether>frequently-bought-togetherProp changes
<RelatedProducts>related-productsProp changes
<TrendingItems>trending-itemsProp changes
<LookingSimilar>looking-similarProp changes

Changes for <FrequentlyBoughtTogether>

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The frequently-bought-together component no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

- import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { InstantSearch, FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';
- import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

- const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

 function App() {
   return (
+   <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
-       recommendClient={recommendClient}
-       indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+   </InstantSearch>

Replace children and view with the layoutComponent prop or the useFrequentlyBoughtTogether() Hook

The frequently-bought-together component no longer provides children and view props. To fully customize the UI, use either the layoutComponent prop or the frequently-bought-together` Hook instead.

  import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';

  function Recommendations() {
    return (
+       layoutComponent={() => <div>{/* … */}</div>}
+     />
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </FrequentlyBoughtTogether>
- import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { useFrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';

  function Recommendations() {
+   const { items } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether();

    return (
-     <FrequentlyBoughtTogether objectIDs={['5723537']}>
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </FrequentlyBoughtTogether>
+     <CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether objectIDs={['5723537']} />

+ function CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether(props) {
+   const { items } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether(props);
+   return <div>{/* … */}</div>;
+ }

Replace fallbackComponent with emptyComponent

The emptyComponent prop replaces the fallbackComponent prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     fallbackComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}
+     emptyComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}

Replace maxRecommendations with limit

The limit prop replaces the maxRecommendations prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     maxRecommendations={3}
+     limit={3}

Remove environment

The environment prop is no longer needed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     environment={global}

Replace classNames

The classNames keys have changed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
        root: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether',
+       emptyRoot: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether-emptyRoot',
        title: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether-title',
        container: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether-container',
        list: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether-list',
        item: 'MyCustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether-item',

Changes for <RelatedProducts>

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The related-products component no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

- import { RelatedProducts } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { InstantSearch, RelatedProducts } from 'react-instantsearch';
- import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

- const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

 function App() {
   return (
+   <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
-       recommendClient={recommendClient}
-       indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+   </InstantSearch>

Replace children and view with the layoutComponent prop or the useRelatedProducts() Hook

The related-products component no longer provides children and view props. To fully customize the UI, use either the layoutComponent prop or the related-products Hook instead.

  import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';

  function Recommendations() {
    return (
+       layoutComponent={() => <div>{/* … */}</div>}
+     />
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </FrequentlyBoughtTogether>
- import { FrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { useFrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';

  function Recommendations() {
+   const { items } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether();

    return (
-     <FrequentlyBoughtTogether objectIDs={['5723537']}>
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </FrequentlyBoughtTogether>
+     <CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether objectIDs={['5723537']} />

+ function CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether(props) {
+   const { items } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether(props);
+   return <div>{/* … */}</div>;
+ }

Replace fallbackComponent with emptyComponent

The emptyComponent prop replaces the fallbackComponent prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     fallbackComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}
+     emptyComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}

Replace maxRecommendations with limit

The limit prop replaces the maxRecommendations prop.

The related-products component now takes an optional maxRecommendations prop which replaces limit.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     maxRecommendations={3}
+     limit={3}

Remove environment

The environment prop is no longer needed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     environment={global}

Replace classNames

The classNames keys have changed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
        root: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts',
+       emptyRoot: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts-emptyRoot',
        title: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts-title',
        container: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts-container',
        list: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts-list',
        item: 'MyCustomRelatedProducts-item',

Changes for <TrendingItems>

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The trending-items component no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

- import { TrendingItems } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { InstantSearch, TrendingItems } from 'react-instantsearch';
- import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

- const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

 function App() {
   return (
+   <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
-       recommendClient={recommendClient}
-       indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+   </InstantSearch>

Replace children and view with the layoutComponent prop or the useTrendingItems() Hook

The trending-items component no longer provides children and view props. To fully customize the UI, use either the layoutComponent prop or the trending-items Hook instead.

 import { TrendingItems } from '@algolia/recommend-react';

 function Recommendations() {
   return (
+       layoutComponent={() => <div>{/* … */}</div>}
+     />
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </TrendingItems>
- import { TrendingItems } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { useTrendingItems } from 'react-instantsearch';

  function Recommendations() {
+   const { items } = useTrendingItems();

    return (
-     <TrendingItems>
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </TrendingItems>
+     <CustomTrendingItems />

+ function CustomTrendingItems(props) {
+   const { items } = useTrendingItems(props);
+   return <div>{/* … */}</div>;
+ }

Replace fallbackComponent with emptyComponent

The emptyComponent prop replaces the fallbackComponent prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     fallbackComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}
+     emptyComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}

Replace maxRecommendations with limit

The limit prop replaces the maxRecommendations prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     maxRecommendations={3}
+     limit={3}

Remove environment

The environment prop is no longer needed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     environment={global}
Replace classNames

The classNames keys have changed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
        root: 'MyCustomTrendingItems',
+       emptyRoot: 'MyCustomTrendingItems-emptyRoot',
        title: 'MyCustomTrendingItems-title',
        container: 'MyCustomTrendingItems-container',
        list: 'MyCustomTrendingItems-list',
        item: 'MyCustomTrendingItems-item',

Alternative for <TrendingFacets>

The <TrendingFacets> component isn’t available in React InstantSearch. If you need it, use the <TrendingFacets> component from the deprecated Recommend React library.

Changes for <LookingSimilar>

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The looking-similar component no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

- import { LookingSimilar } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { InstantSearch, LookingSimilar } from 'react-instantsearch';
- import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

- const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

 function App() {
   return (
+   <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
-       recommendClient={recommendClient}
-       indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"
+   </InstantSearch>

Replace children and view with the layoutComponent prop or the useLookingSimilar() Hook

The looking-similar component no longer provides children and view props. To fully customize the UI, use either the layoutComponent prop or the looking-similar Hook instead.

 import { LookingSimilar } from '@algolia/recommend-react';

 function Recommendations() {
   return (
+       layoutComponent={() => <div>{/* … */}</div>}
+     />
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </LookingSimilar>
- import { LookingSimilar } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
+ import { useLookingSimilar } from 'react-instantsearch';

 function Recommendations() {
+   const { items } = useLookingSimilar();

   return (
-     <LookingSimilar objectIDs={['5723537']}>
-       <div>{/* … */}</div>
-     </LookingSimilar>
+     <CustomLookingSimilar objectIDs={['5723537']} />

+ function CustomLookingSimilar(props) {
+   const { items } = useLookingSimilar(props);
+   return <div>{/* … */}</div>;
+ }

Replace fallbackComponent with emptyComponent

The emptyComponent prop replaces the fallbackComponent prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     fallbackComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}
+     emptyComponent={() => <p>No recommendations.</p>}

Replace maxRecommendations with limit

The limit prop replaces the maxRecommendations prop.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     maxRecommendations={3}
+     limit={3}

Remove environment

The environment prop is no longer needed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
-     environment={global}

Replace classNames

The classNames keys have changed.

function Recommendations() {
  return (
        root: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar',
+       emptyRoot: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar-emptyRoot',
        title: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar-title',
        container: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar-container',
        list: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar-list',
        item: 'MyCustomLookingSimilar-item',


Recommend ReactReact InstantSearchChanges
useFrequentlyBoughtTogether()frequently-bought-togetherProp changes
useRelatedProducts()related-productsProp changes
useTrendingItems()trending-itemsProp changes
useLookingSimilar()looking-similarProp changes

Changes for useFrequentlyBoughtTogether()

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The frequently-bought-together Hook no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

 - import { useFrequentlyBoughtTogether } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
 + import { InstantSearch, useFrequentlyBoughtTogether } from 'react-instantsearch';
 - import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
 + import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

 - const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
 + const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

  function App() {
    return (
 +    <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
        <CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether />
 +    </InstantSearch>

 function CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether() {
  const { items } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether({
-   recommendClient={recommendClient}
-   indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"

Replace recommendations with items

The frequently-bought-together Hook returns recommendations under the items key instead of recommendations.

 function CustomFrequentlyBoughtTogether() {
  const {
-   recommendations
+   items
  } = useFrequentlyBoughtTogether();

Changes for useRelatedProducts()

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The related-products Hook no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

 - import { useRelatedProducts } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
 + import { InstantSearch, useRelatedProducts } from 'react-instantsearch';
 - import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
 + import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

 - const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
 + const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

  function App() {
    return (
 +    <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
        <CustomRelatedProducts />
 +    </InstantSearch>

 function CustomRelatedProducts() {
  const { items } = useRelatedProducts({
-   recommendClient={recommendClient}
-   indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"

Replace recommendations with items

The related-products Hook returns recommendations under the items key instead of recommendations.

 function CustomRelatedProducts() {
  const {
-   recommendations
+   items
  } = useRelatedProducts();

Changes for useTrendingItems()

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The trending-items Hook no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

 - import { useTrendingItems } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
 + import { InstantSearch, useTrendingItems } from 'react-instantsearch';
 - import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
 + import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

 - const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
 + const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

  function App() {
    return (
 +    <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
        <CustomTrendingItems />
 +    </InstantSearch>

 function CustomTrendingItems() {
  const { items } = useTrendingItems({
-   recommendClient={recommendClient}
-   indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"

Replace recommendations with items

The trending-items Hook returns recommendations under the items key instead of recommendations.

 function CustomTrendingItems() {
  const {
-   recommendations
+   items
  } = useTrendingItems();

Alternative for useTrendingFacets()

The useTrendingFacets() Hook isn’t available in React InstantSearch. If you need it, use the useTrendingFacets() Hook from the deprecated Recommend React library.

Alternative for useRecommendations()

The useRecommendations() Hook isn’t available in React InstantSearch. Instead, use the dedicated Hooks for each Recommend model.

Changes for useLookingSimilar()

Move recommendClient and indexName to <InstantSearch>

The looking-similar Hook no longer needs recommendClient and indexName props. Instead, pass a searchChlient and the ìndexName to instantsearch.

 - import { useLookingSimilar } from '@algolia/recommend-react';
 + import { InstantSearch, useLookingSimilar } from 'react-instantsearch';
 - import recommend from '@algolia/recommend';
 + import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

 - const recommendClient = recommend('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
 + const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

  function App() {
    return (
 +    <InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME">
        <CustomLookingSimilar />
 +    </InstantSearch>

 function CustomLookingSimilar() {
  const { items } = useLookingSimilar({
-   recommendClient={recommendClient}
-   indexName="YOUR_INDEX_NAME"

Replace recommendations with items

The looking-similar Hook returns recommendations under the items key instead of recommendations.

 function CustomLookingSimilar() {
  const {
-   recommendations
+   items
  } = useLookingSimilar();

Remove <Recommend> context provider

The <Recommend> context provider is no longer necessary to batch requests. Remove it from your implementation.

- import { Recommend } from '@algolia/recommend-react';

  function App() {
    return (
-     <Recommend recommendClient={recommendClient}>
        {/* … */}
-     </Recommend>


The HorizontalSlider component is now available in React InstantSearch as the Carousel component.

For Carousel props, check the API reference:

  • <FrequentlyBoughtTogether>
  • <RelatedProducts>
  • <TrendingItems>
  • <LookingSimilar>
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
import { InstantSearch, FrequentlyBoughtTogether, Carousel } from 'react-instantsearch';

const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');

function App() {
    return (