You can use data from Google Analytics to enrich your records, and boost search results based on their popularity or any other metric available in Google Analytics. This can help to improve the relevance of your search.

Because both Algolia and GA are API-based platforms, you can create scripts that update Algolia records to include any data from Google Analytics. This guide creates a script that fetches the ga:uniquePageViews metric from Google Analytics, and add it to a pageviews attribute in your Algolia records.

If you use the Crawler, you can link your Google Analytics account to it to enrich your records with analytics data faster and easier.

Google credentials

The first step is to get the credentials to use the Google Analytics API. Google’s APIs can be authenticated in many ways but this guide uses service accounts. These are specifically meant for server-to-server applications.

Create a service account

First, create a service account through Google API Console.

  1. Create a project (or select an existing one) from Google API Console.
  2. Activate the Analytics Reporting API in that project.
  3. In the Credentials section, create a new service account. You can skip the optional steps.
  4. Open the service account and click Add key -> Create new key. Select JSON, and download the resulting JSON file.

Grant access to Google Analytics data

Now, an administrator of your Google Analytics account has to provide read access to your service account. To do this, follow these steps as an administrator:

  1. Log in to Google Analytics.
  2. Select the account, property, and view that contain the analytics of your website.
  3. Go to the Admin tab.
  4. In the View panel (on the right side of the screen), click View User Management.
  5. Click the + button, then click Add users.
  6. Enter the email address of the service account that was generated when creating the service account.
  7. In the Permissions panel, make sure that only the “Read & Analyze” permission is enabled.
  8. Click the Add button to confirm.

Get the view ID

To keep the script short, the view ID of your Google Analytics account will be manually retrieved.

  1. Return to the Admin tab of your Google Analytics View and click View Settings.
  2. Copy the View ID number. You have to put this in the GA_PARAMETERS object of the script later on.

Prepare your records

The only constraint for this guide, is that your records must have an attribute that contains the full URL of their associated page. By default, the script expects the url attribute to hold this, but you can change that if needed.

Create the script

Now that you have your credentials and your records ready, you can create a script to fetch the Google Analytics data of your view and inject them into existing records. For that, use:

Fetch Google Analytics data

To fetch the Google Analytics (GA) data of your view, use the Google API endpoint batchGet method. The script specifies the following parameters for this method:

  • The viewId.
  • The dateRanges to specify the period you want to fetch the data for.
  • The dimensions: you need the ga:hostname and ga:pagePath to rebuild full URL of the page.
  • The metrics that you want to use in your custom ranking strategy. You can choose any metrics from the complete list of available metrics.
  • orderBys: In the example, pages are ordered by uniquePageViews.
  • pageSize and pageToken are used for pagination. batchGet can only return a maximum of 100,000 rows. To fetch more rows, you need to use pagination.

In the example, GA data fetching is implemented by a MetricsFetcher class, which has two methods:

  • A next() method, which:
    • Performs calls to batchGet,
    • Keeps track of the pagination cursor,
    • Transforms the complex GA response into simple JSON objects.
  • A fetchAll() method, which:
    • Iterates over the next() method, until the requested number of records are fetched,
    • Builds a big JSON object with the full URLs as keys. This will be useful in the second step of the script, where the analytics data associated to a specific URL is retrieved.

The MetricsFetcher also handles the authentication with the Service Account JSON file you’ve downloaded during the creation of your Google Service Account.

class MetricsFetcher {
      /* GA_PARAMETERS */
  ) {
    // Setup the necessary auth scopes
    this.auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
      scopes: [""],
    // ... variables initialization

  async next() {
    const response = await analytics.reports.batchGet({
      auth: this.auth,
      requestBody: {
        // batchGet options
        // ...

    if (! || <= 0) {
      return { rows: [], hasMore: false };

    const { rows } =[0].data;
    this.pageToken =[0].nextPageToken;
    if (this.remaining !== null && rows) {
      this.remaining -= rows.length;

    const rowsClean = !rows
      ? []
      : => {
          return {
            hostname: row.dimensions[0],
            pagePath: row.dimensions[1],
            // append one key-value per metric, with integer value
              (keyVals, metric, idx) => ({
                [metric]: parseInt(row.metrics[0].values[idx], 10),

    const hasMore =
      (this.remaining === null || this.remaining > 0) &&
      this.pageToken !== undefined &&
      this.pageToken !== null;

    return { rows: rowsClean, hasMore };

  async fetchAll() {
    let counter = 0;
    let batch;
    const res = {};
    do {
      batch = await;
      batch.rows.forEach((row) => {
        res[getPageUrl(row.hostname, row.pagePath)] = row;
    } while (batch.hasMore);
    return res;

Update Algolia records

To update records, use the browse and partialUpdateObjects methods. Then browse the records one by one to see if the URL the record belongs to has any GA data. If so, create a partial record with new fields containing the GA metrics. When the whole index has been browsed, call a partialUpdateObjects with the partial records.

const recordsToUpdate = [];
await index.browseObjects({
  query: "", // Empty query will match all records
  attributesToRetrieve: [URL_ATTRIBUTE],
  batch: (batch) => {
    batch.forEach((record) => {
      if (allGAData[record[URL_ATTRIBUTE]]) {
        // Create a partial record with a new `pageviews` attribute
          objectID: record.objectID,
          pageviews: allGAData[record[URL_ATTRIBUTE]][METRICS.uniquePageViews],

console.log(`Updating ${recordsToUpdate.length} records...`);
await index.partialUpdateObjects(recordsToUpdate, {
  createIfNotExists: false,

Finalize the script

You’re using the Node.js clients of both API clients to build the final script. The main function:

Note: You must update the variables in the // Script parameters section of the final script:

  • APP_ID, API_KEY and INDEX_NAME are your Algolia credentials.
  • URL_ATTRIBUTE is the name of the attribute in your Algolia records that contain the URL.
  • The GA_PARAMETERS object contains all parameters related to GA. You must include your viewId, but you can add and change other parameters as well.

With the script on your machine, you can run it by running the following command (assuming the script is named ga_connector.js). The path/to/your-service-account-file.json file has to point the JSON file downloaded when you created a Service Account:

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/your-service-account-file.json node ga_connector.js
// ga_connector.js

const algoliasearch = require("algoliasearch");
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const analytics = google.analyticsreporting("v4");

// GA metrics. Reference doc:
const METRICS = {
  pageviews: "ga:pageviews",
  uniquePageViews: "ga:uniquePageViews",
  entranceRate: "ga:entranceRate",
  // ...

// Script parameters
const APP_ID = "YourApplicationID";
const API_KEY = "YourWriteAPIKey";
const INDEX_NAME = "indexName";
const URL_ATTRIBUTE = "url";
  viewId: 123456789,
  metrics: [METRICS.uniquePageViews],
  startDate: "30daysAgo", //
  endDate: "today",
  limit: 10000, // number of rows to fetch from GA
const PROTOCOL = "https://";
const MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100000; // 100000 is the max value, according to

 * This class allows to fetch metrics of an unpredictable number of pages of analytics from GA API.
 * Instances keep track of the fetching progress, for the next() method.
 * It also handles authentication using a service account, if GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is correctly set.
 * See
 * @param {object} p           - (compound parameters).
 * @param {number} p.viewId    - Identifier of the Google Analytics' view from which to fetch data.
 * @param {string[]} p.metrics - Array of GA metric types, as defined in the METRICS dictionary (default = ['ga:uniquePageViews']).
 * @param {number} p.limit     - Maximum number of URLs to fetch.
 * @param {string} p.startDate - Period from which analytics must cover until endDate. (default: '7daysAgo').
 * @param {string} p.endDate   - Period until which analytics must cover. (default: 'today').
class MetricsFetcher {
    metrics = [METRICS.uniquePageViews],
    limit = 100000,
    startDate = "7daysAgo",
    endDate = "today",
  }) {
    this.auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
      scopes: [""],
    this.viewId = viewId.toString();
    this.metrics = metrics.includes(METRICS.uniquePageViews)
      ? metrics
      : metrics.concat([METRICS.uniquePageViews]);
    this.remaining = limit;
    this.startDate = startDate;
    this.endDate = endDate;
    this.pageToken = undefined;

   * Get next page.
   * Data is ordered by most 'ga:uniquePageViews' first.
   * @returns {Object} An object that contains { rows: [{ hostname: string, pagePath: string, [metricName]: number }], hasMore: boolean }.
  async next() {
      `[GA] batchGet viewId=${this.viewId} remaining=${this.remaining}...`,

    const response = await analytics.reports.batchGet({
      auth: this.auth,
      requestBody: {
        reportRequests: [
            viewId: this.viewId,
            dateRanges: [
                startDate: this.startDate,
                endDate: this.endDate,
            // reference doc:
            dimensions: [{ name: "ga:hostname" }, { name: "ga:pagePath" }],
            metrics: => ({ expression: metric })),
            orderBys: [
                fieldName: METRICS.uniquePageViews,
                sortOrder: "DESCENDING",
              this.remaining !== null && this.remaining < MAX_PAGE_SIZE
                ? this.remaining
                : MAX_PAGE_SIZE,
            pageToken: this.pageToken,

    if (! || <= 0) {
      return { rows: [], hasMore: false };

    const { rows } =[0].data;
    this.pageToken =[0].nextPageToken;
    if (this.remaining !== null && rows) {
      this.remaining -= rows.length;

      `[GA] fetched a page of ${rows ? rows.length : 0} rows from Google Analytics (viewId=${this.viewId})`,

    const rowsClean = !rows
      ? []
      : => {
          return {
            hostname: row.dimensions[0],
            pagePath: row.dimensions[1],
            // append one key-value per metric, with integer value
              (keyVals, metric, idx) => ({
                [metric]: parseInt(row.metrics[0].values[idx], 10),

    const hasMore =
      (this.remaining === null || this.remaining > 0) &&
      this.pageToken !== undefined &&
      this.pageToken !== null;

    return { rows: rowsClean, hasMore };

   * Get All GA data of the view.
   * @returns {Object} An object with the following structure:
   *   {
   *     `${url1}`: { hostname: string, pagePath: string, [metricName]: number },
   *     `${url2}`: { hostname: string, pagePath: string, [metricName]: number },
   *   }.
  async fetchAll() {
    let counter = 0;
    let batch;
    const res = {};
    do {
      batch = await;
      batch.rows.forEach((row) => {
        res[getPageUrl(row.hostname, row.pagePath)] = row;
    } while (batch.hasMore);
    console.log(`=> fetched ${counter} rows from GA view: ${this.viewId} 📚`);
    return res;

 * Helper to rebuild the complete page URL from GA data, as set in the Algolia records.
 * Google Analytics doesn't store the protocol so we are re-adding it.
 * Another way is to store the URLs without the protocol in your Algolia records.
 * @param {string} hostname - The hostname returned by GA.
 * @param {string} pagePath - The pagePath returned by GA.
 * @returns {string} The full page URL.
function getPageUrl(hostname, pagePath) {
  // When google analytics is misconfigured, the pagePath can contain a path prefixed by the hostname (
  if (!pagePath.startsWith("/")) {
    // the path is prefixed by a host name => let's use it as-is
    return `${PROTOCOL}${pagePath}`;
  } else {
    // generate the full URL
    return `${PROTOCOL}${hostname}${pagePath}`;

// Main
(async () => {
  console.log(`Fetching Google Analytics data...`);
  const metricsFetcher = new MetricsFetcher(GA_PARAMETERS);
  const allGAData = await metricsFetcher.fetchAll();

  console.log("Browsing Algolia index and creating partial records...");
  const client = algoliasearch(APP_ID, API_KEY);
  const index = client.initIndex(INDEX_NAME);
  const recordsToUpdate = [];
  await index.browseObjects({
    query: "", // Empty query will match all records
    attributesToRetrieve: [URL_ATTRIBUTE],
    batch: (batch) => {
      batch.forEach((record) => {
        if (allGAData[record[URL_ATTRIBUTE]]) {
          // Create a partial record with a new `pageviews` attribute
            objectID: record.objectID,

  console.log(`Updating ${recordsToUpdate.length} records...`);
  await index.partialUpdateObjects(recordsToUpdate, {
    createIfNotExists: false,
  console.log("Records updated.");