UI sorting widgets
How to sort in InstantSearch using the sortBy and relevantSort UI widgets.
Using replicas with different sorting strategies provides a way for users to change sorting on the frontend. For example, if you have an ecommerce website, and by default, want to sort search results from cheapest to most expensive. You might want to provide a drop-down menu or toggle switch to let users sort from most expensive to cheapest.
Because you have one replica index per sorting strategy, you need to change what index Algolia must search into when users change the sorting method.
While you could handle it yourself, it’s easier to use the InstantSearch sortBy
and relevantSort
Setting up replicas
Before you implement the search, you need to have replicas for each sorting strategy you want to provide.
Sorting widget
Sort dropdown with sortBy
Dropdowns are a familiar widget, common in ecommerce scenarios and power user workflows.
InstantSearch provides sorting dropdowns with the sortBy
Relevance sort toggle with relevantSort
If you’re using Relevant sort you can use the relevantSort
widget to let users toggle between relevant and regular sorting.
The relevantSort
widget comes with recommended patterns when using Relevant sort, such as displaying the number of sorted results out of the total number of results, and letting users see more results.
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